Monday, May 24, 2010

Can't Teach a Old Dog New Tricks

Everyone has a choice in life it is your own fault you’re in the situation your in. If your man leaves you for another women every time he is doing good then he is a no good brother and you don’t need him anyway. Please lead with your brain and not your heart in this situation.Do not let him come home when he get's out of jail or his other baby mama has kicked him out. Be strong and let the dog go!

I have seen to many women let stray dogs in there house because they have nowhere else to go. Tell them to find a shelter! I have seen many mature women 50+ letting this fly.Seeing this as a young adult, has only made me stronger and I know what I will and will not put up with. Like the old saying goes, “A man will only do to you what you let him”!

Stay Strong Ladies and I know it hurts but there is bigger and better out there.

1 comment:

  1. Jasmine - you really seem to have a good head on your shoulders. I like what you have to say.
